
Overcoming OpenAPI 2.0 `multi` CollectionFormat Challenges in Power Automate Custom Connectors

Integrating APIs into Power Automate flows often requires creating custom connectors, a process that can encounter challenges with certain API specifications. Specifically, the OpenAPI 2.0 specification allows array and multi-value parameters to be passed in various formats, including the multi collection format. This format is particularly troublesome for Power Automate’s Custom Connector wizard, which does not support it natively. This article outlines the issue and provides a detailed workaround using custom code components and modifying input parameters, ensuring seamless API integration. The Challenge with multi CollectionFormat The OpenAPI 2.0 specification introduces several collection formats for array parameters, with multi being one of them. This format allows multiple values for the same parameter to be passed by repeating the parameter’s name in the query string, which is not directly supported in Power Automate Custom Connectors. Attempting to import an OpenAPI speci

Installing PowerShell Modules in Firewalled and Air-Gapped Systems

Managing IT environments with limited or no internet access, such as firewalled systems or air-gapped setups, presents unique challenges. One of the critical tasks in such environments is the installation and usage of PowerShell modules, which often require internet access for download and updates. This guide provides a method to facilitate the offline installation of PowerShell modules using custom scripts and includes a practical example of managing Power Platform environments by limiting developer environments. Background Firewalled systems have restricted internet access, necessitating special methods to manage and configure software. Air-gapped systems are completely isolated from the internet, making direct downloads impossible. In such environments, administrators need to manually transfer and install PowerShell modules to manage various tasks effectively. Step-by-Step Guide Step 1: Prepare the PowerShell Module for Offline Use The first script, PowerShellModuleOfflinePack

Harnessing Host Form Data with PCF Controls in Model-Driven Applications

Introduction This tutorial delves into integrating PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) controls with host form data within Microsoft Power Platform’s model-driven apps. This article will guide you through the necessary scripting to expose and consume formContext and globalContext from a custom table called new_Competitor. Aimed at enhancing both custom and Microsoft Form Component PCF controls, this approach ensures dynamic interactions with the host form data. Disclaimer : It’s important to note that there are various methods to retrieve data within PCF controls, including the use of WebAPI. While WebAPI provides a versatile way to access data across different entities and contexts, the approach described in this tutorial focuses on directly integrating with host form data, which can be particularly beneficial in specific use cases where immediate context is crucial. This method allows for real-time data interactions that are essential for certain scenarios, providing a streamlined

Syncing Azure DevOps Work Item Status to Microsoft Dataverse with Dataflows

In today’s fast-paced development environments, seamless integration between customer and development tracking systems can be crucial for maintaining transparency, efficiency, and alignment across teams. Our objective centers around a scenario faced by some organizations: synchronizing customer requirements captured by staff in Microsoft Dataverse with the development work tracked in Azure DevOps (ADO) . Business Case and Goals Our service teams interact with customers to capture requirements, which are then stored in Microsoft Dataverse. As development plans are formulated, corresponding ADO items are created for each requirement. The primary goals of our integration efforts are: Visibility for Service Staff: Enable service teams to view the status of the ADO items associated with customer requirements directly within Dataverse. This integration aims to eliminate the need for service staff to navigate away from their primary system to check development progress, fostering a mor

Govee and Power Platform: Transforming Smart Lighting Automation

Introduction In the evolving world of smart home technology, the integration of lighting solutions with sophisticated automation platforms is gaining significant traction. Our focus in this discussion is the Govee Lights Power Automate Connector, a pioneering tool that brings together the advanced capabilities of Govee’s smart lighting with the robust automation features of Microsoft Power Automate. For those interested in exploring the full capabilities of this connector, including setup instructions, usage scenarios, and technical specifications, detailed information is available on the official Microsoft documentation page. You can access it here: Govee Connector for Power Automate . This connector not only exemplifies the practical application of integrating smart devices with automation platforms but also opens up new possibilities for enhancing home and office environments through intelligent lighting control. Practical Integration for Advanced Home Automation The Govee Lig

Step-by-Step to Success: Run AutoGPT using Azure OpenAI on Docker

Integrating AutoGPT with Azure OpenAI through Docker offers a direct path to unlocking advanced AI capabilities. This detailed guide not only walks through the initial setup and configuration steps but also emphasizes the critical adjustments required for effective Azure OpenAI integration. Let’s dive into a more focused and informative discussion on setting up AutoGPT and ensuring it works seamlessly with Azure OpenAI services. What is AutoGPT? AutoGPT is like having a smart robot buddy that helps you achieve a specific goal by chatting with a super smart AI, kind of like having a conversation with a genius friend. Here’s how it works, broken down really simply: You Set a Goal : Imagine you have a goal, like planning a surprise birthday party or learning about space. You tell this to your robot buddy. The Robot Starts the Chat : Your robot buddy kicks things off by asking the first question to the genius AI, aiming to get information or ideas related to your goal. Listeni