
Showing posts from February, 2012

ADFS 2.0 ID:4332 The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion

ID4223: The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion.NotOnOrAfter condition is not satisfied. NotOnOrAfter: '02/28/2012 1:15:04 PM' Current time: '02/28/2012 2:18:35 PM' This error happens when the clock on the ADFS server and the clock on the machine hosting the website are not synchronized. To fix this go onto each box and restart the "Windows Time" service.  Then open a command prompt and type w32tm /resync

ADFS 2.0 Config Debug Tracing

Run CMD as Administrator wevtutil sl "AD FS 2.0 Tracing/Debug" /l:5 Open Event Viewer. To open Event Viewer, click Start , point to Programs , point to Administrative Tools , and then click Event Viewer . On the View menu, click Show Analytic and Debug Logs . In the console tree, expand Applications and Services Logs , expand AD FS 2.0 Tracing , and then click Debug . In the Actions pane, click Enable Log . Tracing for AD FS 2.0 is now enabled. Restart the AD FS 2.0 Windows Service .

Force Line Break in CRM 2011 Ribbon Labels

With really long title on CRM ribbon buttons the text will fill the entire space before going to the next line.  In order to for text to the next line you can use the Zero Width Space.  Encoded these characters look like this. ​ In order to actually enter these characters into a text editor the easier way is the use the charmap.exe utility in windows. NOTE : If using Windows Server 2008 ensure the Desktop Experience feature installed or the Charmap will not be available. 1. Start->Run->charmap 2. Change the font to Arial Unicode MS 3. Scroll down about 1/6 of the way down and you will see the space characters. 4. Click on the characters until you see that U+200B is selected at the bottom of the screen. 5. Click Select 6. Click Copy