
Showing posts from 2012

Duplicate Detection Rules Unpublish After Solution Import

For the past few weeks something has been bothering me.  I have been doing a lot of solution imports and also a lot of data imports.  The Duplicate Detection Rules created for my import kept showing as Unpublished and I could not figure out why.  Turns out that when you modify entity metadata the duplicate detection rules for that entity will automatically un-publish.  Thank you to Sarah Cousins Hoopes for helping to shed some light on this for me. Original Article from Sarah

ADFS 2.0 Default Claims Provider

  In situation where you have multiple Claims Providers the HomeRealDiscovery.aspx page may confuse users. As you can see here I have created a second claims provider called test. User may not know which one to use. FIX 1 – Well not really a fix as much as a way to reduce this issue. One way to help with this confusion is by setting the persistIdentityProviderInformation enabled value to true and the lifetimeInDays value to something like 30 in the web.config located at C:\inetpub\adfs\ls .  This will allow users to only have to select their claim provider every 30 days. FIX 2 – Update your web application to allow for WHR parameter Another way to allows users to divert the HomeRealDiscovery page is by adding functionality to your web application that allows the whr parameter to determine which claim provider will be used when doing the redirect to ADFS.  Again this code all goes into your web application and does not require any additional work on the ADFS website. Add a

Limited Access to Program Data folder in AD for ADFS 2.0

If you work in an environment where you have no write access to the ‘Program Data’ folder in AD you can still install ADFS 2.0 but you will need to use the command prompt. First Retrieve the Certificate Thumbprint for the Singing Cert and the Decrypt Cert.  Since this was a test machine I was using the same certificate for both, but in a production environment you will probably have separate certs for each. To retrieve a certificate's thumbprint Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for certificates. (See How to: View Certificates with the MMC Snap-in .) In the Console Root window's left pane, click Certificates (Local Computer) . Click the Personal folder to expand it. Click the Certificates folder to expand it. In the list of certificates, note the Intended Purposes heading. Find a certificate that lists Client Authentication as an intended purpose. Double-click the certificate. In the Certificate dialog box, click the Details tab. Scro

CRM 2011 Dashboards Inside IFrames

If you are going to place CRM 2011 Dashboards within an IFrame make sure your URL points to: /dashboards/dashboard.aspx and not /workplace/home_dashboards.aspx using the home_dashboards.aspx may cause your charts to just sit with the loading icon displayed. To get the url of a dashboard right click on the name of the dashboard and click “Copy a Link”

CRM Setup and Org Import Logs

Location of CRM 2011 Setup Logs and Organization Import Logs. %AppData%\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs or  C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MSCRM\Logs

ADFS 2.0 ID:4332 The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion

ID4223: The SamlSecurityToken is rejected because the SamlAssertion.NotOnOrAfter condition is not satisfied. NotOnOrAfter: '02/28/2012 1:15:04 PM' Current time: '02/28/2012 2:18:35 PM' This error happens when the clock on the ADFS server and the clock on the machine hosting the website are not synchronized. To fix this go onto each box and restart the "Windows Time" service.  Then open a command prompt and type w32tm /resync

ADFS 2.0 Config Debug Tracing

Run CMD as Administrator wevtutil sl "AD FS 2.0 Tracing/Debug" /l:5 Open Event Viewer. To open Event Viewer, click Start , point to Programs , point to Administrative Tools , and then click Event Viewer . On the View menu, click Show Analytic and Debug Logs . In the console tree, expand Applications and Services Logs , expand AD FS 2.0 Tracing , and then click Debug . In the Actions pane, click Enable Log . Tracing for AD FS 2.0 is now enabled. Restart the AD FS 2.0 Windows Service .

Force Line Break in CRM 2011 Ribbon Labels

With really long title on CRM ribbon buttons the text will fill the entire space before going to the next line.  In order to for text to the next line you can use the Zero Width Space.  Encoded these characters look like this. ​ In order to actually enter these characters into a text editor the easier way is the use the charmap.exe utility in windows. NOTE : If using Windows Server 2008 ensure the Desktop Experience feature installed or the Charmap will not be available. 1. Start->Run->charmap 2. Change the font to Arial Unicode MS 3. Scroll down about 1/6 of the way down and you will see the space characters. 4. Click on the characters until you see that U+200B is selected at the bottom of the screen. 5. Click Select 6. Click Copy