Errors Saving and Checkin In Excel/PowerPoint files in SharePoint using CAC Card

Users accessing SharePoint using a CAC card may experienced problems with saving and checking in Excel and PowerPoint documents on the SharePoint servers.  When attempting to do either a dialog box appeared stating that "The web server is currently busy please try again later."

-Office 2007
-Server 2008
-SharePoint 2007 SP2
-IIS 7.5

The problem turned out to be that a setting, uploadreadaheadsize, is defaulted to 48kb.  This is not big enough for the website to read in the entire header when a CAC certificate is added to it.  To fix the problem I completed the following steps.

1. Start->Run-> runas /user:Administrator cmd
cd c:\Windows\systems32\inetsrv

2. appcmd.exe set config  -section:system.webServer/serverRuntime /uploadReadAheadSize:"200000000"  /commit:apphost

This updates IIS to ensure it can read all the data in the headers.

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