Amazon AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Install

Using CLI can make doing task in AWS much easier.  In order to get the CLI tool this is the setup i usually perform.  Instead of going the Python/PIP route as show here there is also an MSI installer you can use.  (MSI Download Link for 32/64 Bit)

1. Install Python.  Use Python 2.7.9+ or Python 3.4+ which will insure you get the PIP installer included.  If you are using a previous version of Python you will need to go through a separate setup procedure for PIP.

2. Open a command prompt As Administrator and run the following.

C:\Windows\System32> pip install awscli

3. Test to make sure that the install was successful.

C:\Windows\System32> aws --version
aws-cli/1.11.84 Python/3.6.2 Windows/7 botocore/1.5.47

4. After you confirm it was installed you can go ahead and configure the properties for your connection. If you don't have your access/secret keys you can add a new one to your user account in the AWS online console.  IAM -> Users -> Your User -> Security Credentials Tab -> Access Keys.  If you create a new key make sure to keep the keys in a safe place and don't loose them.

C:\Windows\System32> aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: yourkey
AWS Secret Access Key: youraccesskey
Default region name [us-east-1]: yourregion
Default output format [None]: json

Usually before running the CLI updating it is a good idea.

C:\Windows\System32> pip install --user --upgrade awscli


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